Friday, March 2, 2012

These Crazy Days

There has been a lot going on around here in the last couple days so here is an update:

It has finally hit C that he is in foster care. We had quite the meltdown last night. He really did turn it around later and opened up that he was upset because he misses his mom and dad. Poor kid he is so confused. I wish I could do more to help him heal, and feel better but there is only so much I can do. I am not their mother and that is who they want.

The night the boys came my husband was out of town. It was funny becuase even after I told the boys where he was they kept asking if he was in Jail.... :) I guess that is all they know, sad.

It looks like the boys are going to be placed in a Kinship placement Tuesday or Wednesday. I think that will be good for them, I can tell that they really need their family. I am glad that someone is willing to step up and be there for them.

P is really a funny kid. He is happy and likes to play with his brothers. He really likes my husband and is on an hourly update till the time he gets home from work. Cute!

It looks like this placement will be short but it was fun to get to know them. I hope and pray that they will be taken care of!

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